- He had a keen ear for voice of the people. 他善于倾听群众的呼声。
- he had a keen ear; a good ear for pitch. 要进行观察,必须使感觉敏锐,尤其是眼明和耳聪。
- a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms. 对通俗韵律非常敏感的诗人。
- The blind have a keen sense of touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。
- Not both the artists have a keen eye for beauty. 这两位艺术家并非都有审美的眼光。
- He handed me a knife with a keen edge. 他递给我一把锋利的刀。
- Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。
- Though advanced in years, he has a keen sense of hearing. 他虽然上了年纪,但听觉十分灵敏。
- demotic entertainments; demotic speech; a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms. 民众娱乐;民众演说;对通俗韵律非常敏感的诗人。
- Peter is a keen footballer in his spare time. 彼得在业余时间里很喜欢踢足球。
- She showed a keen interest in the new research. 她对于新的研究表现出浓厚的兴趣。
- He is a keen and resourceful politician. 他是个头脑敏锐又足智多谋的政治家。
- He has a keen political foresight. 他很有政治眼光。
- He has a keen appreciation of music. 他对音乐有敏锐的欣赏力。
- He has a keen impatience with the dull. 他对于迟钝的人极不耐烦。
- He has a keen eye for the secret of the thieves. 他善于洞察小偷的隐秘。
- To the linguistically keen ear it shows a trace of Asiatic origin, and a lot of what sounds like American double-talk. 据语言专家分析,这种语言最初可能传自亚洲,听起来有点像美洲土著的怪叫。
- He takes a keen interest in his work. 他对工作非常感兴趣。
- The man has a keen and dignified manner. 这个人有一种敏锐而高贵的风度。
- The knife was old,but the blade had a keen edge. 这把刀是旧的,但刀刃锋利。